VDS, server

The TIXCHANGE is an online message board that has been created for TYSOD and RDT families attending this year’s recitals at the Roswell Community Arts Center. This forum is intended for use ONLY by our dance families who would like to SELL recital tickets to buyers who want to attend shows where tickets are no longer available. Please respect our dance families’ privacy when posting and exchanging contact info.
VDS, server

Post by Andrewgoate » Thu May 30, 2024 4:28 am

Вечный сервер
Плати один раз — пользуйся до конца света!
Оптимальная конфигурация для большинства задач:
- быстрое и удобное развертывание сервера в несколько кликов;
- дата-центры в Москве и Амстердаме на выбор;
- бесплатная защита от DDoS-атак;
- возможность использовать Windows — лицензия уже включена в стоимость тарифа;
- подключение к интернет-каналу 500 Мбит/сек;
- круглосуточная техническая поддержка.
2 ГБ RAM / 2 core / 40 ГБ NVMe


Eternal server
Pay once - use until the end of the world!
The optimal configuration for most tasks:
- Fast and convenient server deployment in a few clicks;
- Data centers in Moscow and Amsterdam to choose from;
- free protection against DDoS attacks;
- the ability to use Windows - the license is already included in the tariff;
- connection to the Internet channel 500 Mbps;
- round-the-clock technical support.
2 GB RAM / 2 core / 40 GB NVMe

Last bumped by Anonymous on Thu May 30, 2024 4:28 am.