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Topic review

Expand viewTopic review:Welcome to TYSOD TIXCHANGE – READ BEFORE POSTING


by kjolly »Fri Apr 26, 2019 3:51 pm

The TIXCHANGE is an online message board that has been created for TYSOD and RDT families attending this year’s recitals at the Roswell Community Arts Center. Limited seating + lots of dance enthusiasts means we all need to be considerate of the other families attending the year-end recitals!

This forum is intended for use ONLY by our dance families who would like to SELL recital tickets to buyers who want to attend shows where tickets are no longer available. Please respect our dance families’ privacy when posting and exchanging contact info.

Here’s what to do if you have tickets to SELL:

1 Click on the correct show listing that you have tickets for sale. ***DO NOT CREATE A NEW TOPIC.***
(For example, click on FRI MAY 17 @ 7PM to post/check for available tickets for the Friday night show.)
2 Click on the Post Reply button to write your post. Include your name, how many tickets, what row, and how you want the buyer to contact you in the body of the post.(For example: My name is Jane Smith and I have 4 tickets in row H for the Friday night show. Please text me at 404-000-0000 OR email me at your email address.)
3 Click the Submit button at the bottom of the post window to upload your post to the listing.
4 When a buyer contacts you, triple-check that you are selling the show that the buyer wants! Set up an exchange of the printed tickets and payment with the buyer. Only physical hard copies of tickets can be exchanged between individuals – forwarding an email with “print at home tickets” will not work.
5 Make a follow-up post in the correct show listing stating that your tickets are sold and are no longer available.

Teachers and staff of Tolbert Yilmaz School of Dance/Roswell Dance Theatre cannot participate in ticket exchanges or sales. All ticket exchanged must be coordinated between the buyer and seller, no leaving tickets or money for later pickup – the Front Desk staff cannot be involved in any capacity.

No price gouging. TYSOD/RDT retains the right to deactivate the TIXCHANGE without prior notice if it is discovered that it is being misused/abused. Again, please use the forum only for the purpose of selling recital tickets and respect our dance families.
